Hetairoi Cricket Club
Wednesday January 15th, 2025

Fixtures 2024

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  DateOpponentsVenueTimeMatch Manager
5Tue 2nd AprHetairoi NetsLord's Indoor Cricket School7:00 PMJustin Abel
6Mon 8th AprHetairoi NetsLord's Indoor Cricket School7:00 PMJustin Abel
5Tue 16th AprHetairoi NetsLord's Indoor Cricket School7:00 PMJustin Abel
CSat 27th AprLong Marston CCLong Marston CC1:00 PMChris Megone
WSun 5th MayCheckendon CCCheckendon CC1:30 PMNeal Thathapudi
WSun 12th MayHarpsden CCHarpsden CC1:00 PMFergus Neve/Chris Megone
LSun 19th MayWarborough & Shillingford CCWarborough & Shillingford CC2:00 PMRafe Studholme/Arthur Studholme
ASun 26th MayKimble CCKimble CC1:30 PMWill Fryer/Oliver Fryer
WSun 2nd JunRipley CCRipley CC1:00 PMNeal Thathapudi
LSun 9th JunThe FlycatchersWinchmore Hill1:30 PMRafe Studholme/Arthur Studholme
WSun 23rd JunSalix CCWandsworth Common1:30 PMWill Fryer/Oliver Fryer
WSun 30th JunPeppard and Stoke Row CCPeppard and Stoke Row CC1:30 PMChris Megone
CSun 7th JulBledlow Ridge CCBledlow Ridge CC2:00 PMHenry Wilman
WSun 14th JulHurley CCHurley CC12:00 PMNeal Thathapudi
CSun 21st JulSwinbrook CCSwinbrook CC2:00 PMRafe Studholme/Arthur Studholme
LSun 28th JulPinner CCPinner CC1:00 PMHenry Wilman
LSun 11th AugTilford CCTilford CC1:00 PMJustin Abel
LSun 18th AugWraysbury CCWraysbury CC1:00 PMFergus Neve
LSun 25th AugSouthwold CCSouthwold CC1:00 PMChris Megone/Clive Mackintosh
LMon 26th AugMelton St. Audry CCMelton St. Audry CC12:30 PMChris Megone/Clive Mackintosh
WTue 27th AugSudbourne Hall CCSudbourne Hall CC1:00 PMChris Megone/Clive Mackintosh
WSun 1st SepFrensham CCFrensham CC1:00 PMNeal Thathapudi
CSun 8th SepChertsey CCChertsey CC12:30 PMChris Megone
WSat 14th SepThame Town CCThame Town CC1:00 PMChris Megone
LSun 15th SepForest Green CCForest Green CC1:00 PMNeal Thathapudi
CSun 22nd SepRoyal Ascot CCRoyal Ascot CC12:30 PMRafe Studholme/Arthur Studholme
CSat 28th SepLeigh CCLeigh CC12:30 PMNeal Thathapudi

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