Hetairoi Cricket Club
Saturday July 27th, 2024

Fixtures 1985

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  DateOpponentsVenueTimeMatch Manager
DSat 1st JunHeadington CCTBC2:00 PMt bd
WSun 2nd JunPembroke College, CambridgePembroke College, Cambridge2:00 PMt bd
WMon 3rd JunSt. John's College, OxfordSt. John's College, Oxford2:00 PMt bd
DTue 4th JunForest Green CCForest Green CC2:00 PMt bd
WWed 5th JunSt. John's College, CambridgeSt. John's College, Cambridge2:00 PMt bd
WThu 6th JunMonotype CCTBC2:00 PMt bd
LFri 7th JunArdingly CCTBC2:00 PMt bd
DSat 8th JunNew College, OxfordNew College, Oxford2:00 PMt bd
DSun 9th JunOriel College, OxfordOriel College, Oxford2:00 PMt bd
WMon 10th JunThe London School of EconomicsTBC2:00 PMt bd
LTue 11th JunAustralia HouseTBC2:00 PMt bd
LWed 12th JunAll Sorts CCTBC2:00 PMt bd
LThu 13th JunHeadley CCHeadley CC2:00 PMt bd
DFri 14th JunYork UniversityTBC2:00 PMt bd
DSat 15th JunEscrick CCEscrick Park CC2:00 PMt bd

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